IAM HEALTH Movement Lab

Cultivate a consistent Bowspring movement practice to support your embodiment and transformation journey!Ā 

IAM Health Movement Lab

The movement membership isĀ intended for people who have taken a Bowspring course from me or anotherĀ practitioner.Ā 

This is for people who have a working understanding of the Bowspring alignment principals!




Click here for beginner course!

This membership includes:


Classes ranging from 8 mins- 75 mins

You choose what works best for your schedule and practice at anytime.


4 new classes are uploaded monthlyĀ 


Live classes available every Thursday from 11am-12:15pm MST

If you aren't able to make the live class time, class is recorded and uploaded to the "Live Class" module in your membership portal.


1-1, 20 min Check in with ParisĀ 

Here you can ask questions or have Paris check your alignment out and give you feedback!



Prepare to open and strengthen your body and mind to a whole new level!Ā 

  • Improve posture
  • Build powerful strengthĀ 
  • Ease and heal back pain and other achesĀ 
  • Lift and tone your butt
  • Increase athleticismĀ 
  • Boost your confidenceĀ 


Sign me up!

Check out what people are saying about Paris' offerings and Bowspring!

"This practice makes me body so happy! It also gives me a 'happy butt'! Through this practice I realized how me not using my butt was contributing to lower back pain, and alsoĀ weighing me down. Now I know how to use my glutes and my back pain is gone and I feel better about my body. Ā Thank you Paris and Bowspring for this life changing practice!"

-Tanya McClintockĀ 

"I noticed that my mind was as clear as a window after class! Two hours after the class this DEEP relaxation set in for the rest of the evening. I feel so good taking these classes, thank you! I am loving this movement!"

- Joyce Goldman

"I'm so thankful for how Bowspring has allowed me to expand and feel confident in my body, which has gotten much bigger over the last few years after the death of my dad and working through lots of grieving. I feel more open and willing to take up more space, even though it's hard sometimes."

- Breezy MellijorĀ 

"This practice is GOLD and my body is forever grateful.
My butt is so happy after starting this practice!
My body is totally different from when I started! Thank you so much Paris you are such a brilliant lady!"

- Heather Karian Nichols

"I just wanted to remark about how amazing my body feels after practicing vs before. I have come to feel like I need the practice to feel optimal. I can't wait try to see how it progresses. The hip openers are my favorite but when I can feel the space being created in my ribs it's rather remarkable too. Also, has anyone else experienced increased libido from practicing?! Thanks Paris for a great program, I'm really enjoying it!"

- Anonymous

"Just wanted to stop by and say- at 30 weeks pregnant, Iā€™ve mostly felt baby kicking on my right side and some on my left. Ever since the class this morning she has been kicking on the top of my belly. So cool to see that she has moved after giving her more space. Even with my kids running around feeling like I missed out on half the cues.
It was still worth it because I feel really good! Thank you Paris this practice has been wonderful."

- MaryGrace Whitaker

"After one class with Paris, my body WANTS to be in good posture! I am not forcing my shoulders back, my body naturally and comfortably, wants to stand upright! I didnā€™t know it was possible to keep my shoulders back so comfortably. I feel so light! This is the biggest testimony to me. I am just astonished by how good my body feels after doing Bowspring with Paris in this course. Thank you!"

- Leanna L.

"I started Paris's course at 13 weeks pregnant and it has been SO GOOD for my body - this is my third pregnancy and my body has never felt this good while pregnant and I am forever grateful. I feel like I have tools to support myself now. Thank you so much."

- Pam D.Ā 

"This practice is blowing my mind! I can't believe how good I feel while doing this movement. Thank you Paris!"

- Mary Ellen Torres

"Every alignment cue felt completely natural and intuitively right in my body. The movements were challenging but Paris presented everything in such a fun way that each class moved quickly. This was a perfect introduction to Bowspring and now I can't wait to learn more."

-Ā Alexis Hartman

"Just completed day 1 and I canā€™t beleive how amaing I feel! Thank you!šŸ˜!"

-Ā Liz Lazo

"After class I had the biggest cry. I feel like the practice this morning a big opening and these emotions that I have been holding came to the surface.Ā I really needed to move that energy, thank you. This is powerful movement!"

-Ā Michelle Baker

"I feel like Iā€™ve been able to expand more and something just clicked yesterday for ā€˜open heartā€™. Today I was able to hold my posture much better when driving and sitting."

-Ā Felicia Michelle Kreutzer

"I just finished day 4 and feel amazingggg šŸ¤©Itā€™s truly so nourishing šŸ¤
The way you teach and communicate has made so many things click for me. Iā€™ve taken several classes from great instructors over the past year and I just want you to know, you make it feel like less of a foreign language šŸ˜‚ So thank you!

-Ā Katy Luttrell

"This is the first Bowspring practice that has really resonated with me!! Holy smokes. Lots of openness (I think) and feeling of freedom while doing it. Thanks Paris for this!! I canā€™t wait to do the other onesšŸ«¶šŸ¼"

-Ā Deana Bache

"Wow! The difference I feel/see in my body and posture is amazing. For as long as I can remember I had what I called a ā€boney spineā€ but since finding Bowspring I realized that it was chronically poor posture. No more boney spine! Iā€™m so thankful to have found this practice and for Paris for making this new movement practice so easily digestible. Looking forward to learning and exploring more within my body!"

-Ā Erika Braun

"It's been incredible how your cues have helped me engage my muscles. Both your prebooty videos (the ones introducing BowSpring) and the Brilliant booty course... how you explain the dig-drag concept has helped me so much"

- Karina Troya

"This course has changed my understanding of my body entirely. Iā€™ve been a yoga practitioner since I was a kid and this has expanded my body and my understanding in ways I didn't think were possible. Thank you for this offering. It has been a gift!
I felt an expansion in my entire side from my hips to my neck. Even inside lengthening specific yoga the expansion was nowhere near as extensive as the smaller movements of the Bowspring practice. Yoga feels heavy and static in comparison to this practice, which feels light and free!

- Marlee D

"This is such different movement! I am amazed at how open and connected to my body I feel after each class. I feel a huge difference in my energy and posture. Even my children are noticing! And, I actually think my butt is getting bigger and becoming more lifted! Yay!"

ā€“Ā Laura Powers

"Where has this practice been all my life?!?! Lol!! I didnā€™t even know I was craving it until I gave it to myself and it feels like HOME to me. I am astounded. Could it be that my prolapse is healing within the first three classes because I feel so much more lifted and connected in my pelvic floor region. I feel grounded & regulated after each class šŸ¤"

ā€“Ā Angela Thurston

"I feel so much more space in my body overall and more grounded and connected in my back body! Love doing this practice first thing in the morning when I can because Iā€™m so conscious throughout the rest of the dayšŸ’•"

ā€“Ā Ā Rachel Logan

"I am 72 years young and three and a half months ago I discovered Bowspring. I was hooked after the first class - maybe it was Paris' beautiful energy, her way of teaching and being..... or that in combination to this different movement.
I feel it healing my body!
After this course I notice I have a waist line, which I never have had and I move with that much more awareness. Oh, and my balance is so much better!
I enthusiastically and highly recommend taking this class!"

ā€“Ā Bonnie Mandell-Rice

"I am feeling so empowered, grateful and joyful! Wow, this movement is powerful.

A win is that I have felt so free and flowy as I play with my children and interact with them. I feel the joy radiating out of me toward them. I also have felt more beautiful and sexual with my husband as I have been embracing my curves and also feeling my libido return!
Thank you so much for everything, and I am genuinely so excited for what is to come!
I had no idea how strong and open I could be."

ā€“ McKinnley H.

"It's so beautifully awesome, and I'm grateful for you and your fun, light, and sweet presence to gently bring me to a place where I could handle reintroducing movement and challenge into my life without feeling too much overwhelm.
I find that every time I do bowspring I just feel so much better. Plus, the mental benefits have me coming again and again, I feel so clear and it is truly uplifting my mood."

ā€“Ā Kalli Belliston

"I am so happy and so grateful I joined the course!

Walking felt lighter and easier. The biggest thing, though, was that it was so easy to breathe in and out through my nose even on the uphill sections.
Thank you so much for your beautiful and uplifting energy! I so enjoy learning with you and this lovely powerful course you have created. Much love and many blessings to you and your adorable sweet puppy!"

ā€“Ā Melissa Ismay

"6 months pregnant here and pelvic pressure and sciatica are almost completely gone after the first two weeks. Absolutely blown away!"

ā€“Ā Paula Garcia