$388.00 USD

By enrolling in and participating in the program 'Your Brilliant Body', I acknowledge and understand that any physical activity involves inherent risks and the possibility of injury. I hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless the organizers, instructors, and affiliates of the program from any and all liability for injuries or damages that may arise from my participation in the program. 

I affirm that I am in good physical condition and have consulted a medical professional if I have any concerns. I understand that I am responsible for my own well-being during the program and will listen to my body, only engaging in activities that I am comfortable with. 

By proceeding with this program, I voluntarily assume all risks associated with it and waive any claims against the program's organizers and instructors.

Your Brilliant Body

  1. Access to Thursday live classes

  2. Full course

A Primal movement to heal your body and elevate your mood

What you'll get in this movement series:

  • Build strength
  • Ease pain
  • Improve posture
  • Elevate your mood