$59.00 USD

Every month

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I acknowledge that my participation in the 'Movement Lab' classes, which offer sessions varying in length from 15 to 45 minutes to accommodate flexible schedules, is entirely voluntary. I understand that engaging in any physical activity carries inherent risks, and I assume full responsibility for my own safety and well-being during these sessions. 

I affirm that I am in suitable physical condition to partake in the movement classes and have consulted a medical professional if I have any underlying health concerns. 

By participating, I release the organizers, instructors, and associated parties from any liability for injuries, accidents, or damages that may occur as a result of my involvement in the 'Movement Lab' classes. 

I am aware that consistent participation in these sessions contributes to overall full-body health. This waiver is a binding agreement that I have fully read and comprehend.

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IAM Health Movement Studio Membership 2025

Are you ready to feel stronger and more open in your body?

What you'll get in this membership is:

  • Weekly classes at varying lengths
  • Access to live classes
  • Discounts on privates and in-person retreats


What People Are Saying:

I have seen three key results since beginning a regular Bowspring practice with Paris. First the shape of my body is transforming in the way I have always wanted, curves, length, tone. I have a more defined shape, tapering at the waist and sporting a booty on the rise. Next, my overall posture and alignment during my workday has improved; I am no longer slumped at the desk. Finally, I can feel my strengthen both in and out of class. I am more mindful of my body and its magnificence. This has been so life changing for me and I can't thank Paris enough.

Monique Marez

I have learned to untuck my tail and as a result I feel so much more open and strong in my pelvic floor. I was able to use Bowspring to help heal my sciatic pain and I am forever grateful! Oh and I actually have a waist now too!

Amber Golshani

I have been able to clear so many aches and pains in my body and joints because of this practice. It is truly tremendous! It is the best workout and I am so grateful that I know how to move my body that will support me for my whole life.

Bre Pascuzzo

I'm blown away with every new class Paris uploads that there could possibly be any new nugget of information that she hasn't already shared and it is always a gold mine when I go through it. I never regretted taking the time to do a class and I loved the varying lengths of classes.

Janelle Strasbaugh